Thursday, 11 April 2019

Worst Case Scenario by Helen FitzGerald

Worst Case Scenario
By Helen FitzGerald
Published by Orenda Books (E-book: out now; Paperback: 17 May 2019)
I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher

Publisher's description
Mary Shields is a moody, acerbic probation offer, dealing with some of Glasgow’s worst cases, and her job is on the line. Liam Macdowall was imprisoned for murdering his wife, and he’s published a series of letters to the dead woman, in a book that makes him an unlikely hero – and a poster boy for Men’s Rights activists. Liam is released on licence into Mary’s care, but things are far from simple. Mary develops a poisonous obsession with Liam and his world, and when her son and Liam’s daughter form a relationship, Mary will stop at nothing to impose her own brand of justice … with devastating consequences. 

My verdict
For the last 19 years, I've edited a newsletter about the menopause as part of my day job as a health journalist/editor. So I was delighted to read Worst Case Scenario, as it's not often that I find a menopausal protagonist in a crime novel. I don't just mean a woman 'of a certain age'. I mean one with actual menopausal symptoms - the ones you may know about and the ones you may prefer not to know about!

Mary Shields is a foul-mouthed probational officer with clients who have committed some abominable crimes. She wants to help her clients (although some don't want the help she's offering), but struggles with the paperwork and bureaucracy of her job and has finally had enough. She just needs to get through a few more weeks. 

Worst Case Scenario is dark, insane, shocking and highly entertaining - menopausal AND criminal madness. Lots of laugh-out-loud moments, cringeworthy ones and sad ones too, as protagonist Mary Shields' life falls apart at the seams. She's struggling to juggle her work, family, friendships and drinking habits, as well as cope with her troublesome menopausal symptoms - hot flushes, mood swings, those 'oops' Tena moments (seen the adverts?) and more. She may not come across as a caring individual, but has a strong sense of justice and would do anything for her family. Sadly, she makes terrible decisions and gets herself - and her family - into all sorts of trouble!

This is a short book but is hard-hitting and punchy - making up for its size with its highly memorable characters and gritty writing. You'll need a slightly warped sense of humour (lots of slapstick scenarios) and shouldn't take anything TOO seriously. It's pure escapism and lots of fun from beginning to end - and I really did find myself panicking at Mary's 'worst case scenario'! 

Plus Helen FitzGerald's first and the last lines are brilliant! 

You won't forget this book in a hurry - if at all!

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